
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Random stuff

We have the most random stuff happen on our little slice of heaven.  

Last year we were overrun with mice so hubby found a small kitten.  Aka. PattyCake. 

So this year we only has one mouse in the house, thank goodness. 

I was awaken by what I thought was a mouse at 4 am one morning. Got up to kill the thing. It wasn't a mouse but a flying squirrel and it scare the poop out of me when it flew at me. Not scare if it but it was coming at me.  Have you ever really wanted to scream but can't cause you don't want to wake the hubby. Yeah that was me. 

After the flooding last week a cotton mouth snake decided to visit my porch it is no longer alive.

Then over the weekend a copperhead was in my little dog pen. My dogs wanted to get him and i wanted to get my dogs. Then the cat thinks she can take on the snake. It too is history. 

And yesterday the dogs, yorkies, were going nuts thinking we had something under the dresser. I go to get the flashlight and in my hallway was a salamander. It got chunked in the yard to find another home. Oh and nothing was under the dresser. Thank goodness.  

Life on a farm. Always I interesting and full of excitement. 

1 comment:

  1. Your wildlife absolutely has mine beat! I'd definitely wake my husband up over a flying squirrel. Anything alive that doesn't belong in the house and I'm waking him up, day or night.
